Welcome to Human Resources

Consider joining the Pearl River School District Team of Excellence!

PRSD seeks individuals whose professional goals match our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.  Highly motivated professionals dedicated to children and learning and who possess a strong work ethic thrive in our school district. 

As a Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipient, Pearl River School District's team of faculty and staff continuously reach for higher standards and better results. To insure each individual employee's success, and our success as a district, we offer:

  • Comprehensive Professional Development Geared to Individual Needs - Including New Staff Orientation followed by a one-year New Teacher Symposium with sessions on differentiated instruction, using data to inform instruction, classroom management, building content literacy, and effective teaching; in-house technology training; three Superintendent's Conference Days each year; attendance at conferences, workshops, and seminars; 21-hour annual minimum with most teachers logging extra hours.

  • Supportive and Informed Work Environment - Including building, grade-level, department, and team meetings; Individual annual planning conferences; Mentoring; e-mail, and electronic grade reporting; Teacher input into curriculum design and mapping; Teacher input into textbook and classroom materials selection; Teacher representation on Building Leadership Teams, hiring committees and task forces.

  • Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning - The district provides a 1:1 Chromebook for all students to use both at home and in school; Interactive Flat Panels and internet-connected mobile teacher towers in each school; four academic technology classrooms in the middle school and two in the high school; OPALS library systems; networked color printers; PASCO probes in the high school science lab; teacher input into software selection; In-house technology training; two full-time instructional technology coaches who work with teachers to integrate technology in the classroom; One full-time technology director and BOCES contract agreements for support.  

  • Comprehensive Benefits Package - Competitive salaries; Opportunities for coaching, club advising, and chaperoning for additional pay; Comprehensive medical, dental, prescription, and vision coverage; Flexible spending plan for non-covered expenses including child care and elder-care; 403B and Tax Sheltered Annuities opportunities; Payroll direct deposit; Employee Assistance Program.

In addition, Pearl River School District employees enjoy a work environment supported by:

  • Positive Labor- Management Relationship- Monthly Labor Management Council meetings with all labor leaders to anticipate and resolve issues; successful negotiations in contract renewals; extremely low grievance rate; cooperative projects such as the annual Déjà Vu Prom for district senior citizens; seasonal parties and celebrations; collegial atmosphere.

  • Strong Community Support for Our Schools-  School budgets typically pass by more than a two-to-one margin; recent bond issues passed successfully; alumni association and athletic alumni association; strong parent involvement on all levels; PR Rotary scholarships awarded; vital adult education program including senior citizen courses and parent university courses .

  • Rigorous Academic Programs - Low student-teacher ratio; motivated students; rich course offerings including academic enrichment in grades one through seven, foreign language from the sixth grade, acceleration in math and science beginning in the 7th grade, Advanced Placement courses at the high school beginning in the 10th grade, Project Advance courses in conjunction with Syracuse University, courses for college credit through SUNY Rockland (RCC), language courses offered through SUNY Albany, and C-TECH programs offered through Rockland BOCES; resource rooms, academic labs, and co-taught classes for extra support; average 97% graduates continue on to college or university.

  • Ideal Work Location - PRSD's five schools are scattered throughout the suburban hamlet of Pearl River characterized by our quaint Central Avenue and town park; 25 miles north of New York City and all of its museums, theaters, sports arenas, and restaurants for school field trips and personal enjoyment; short drives to upstate New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut rich in history, parks, lakes, and hiking trails; minutes from the Palisades Center Mall, one of the country's largest destination entertainment centers; convenient to NY and NJ highways and public transportation to NYC; close to many of the area's finest teacher graduate programs including Fordham, Columbia, NYU, Iona, LIU, Pace, Manhattan and Manhattanville, among others.
  • Commitment to Safe Work Environment - The Pearl River School District is committed to the Safety and Security of our employees.  We comply fully the the NYS Workplace Violence Prevention Program beginning with the Board of Education's adoption of the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy on January 23, 2024.  

Title IX Anti-Discrimination

The Pearl River Union Free School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, creed, sexual orientation,  predisposing genetic characteristics, marital status, domestic violence victim status or military status in employment or its educational programs in accordance with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI); Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1973 (Title IX);
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504); the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (the ADA); the Age Discrimination In Employment Act of 1967 (the A.D.E.A.) or Section 291 of the New York State Executive Law.

Reports of sexual harassment may be made by any person through mail, telephone or email to a Title IX Coordinator as listed in the Code of Conduct.


As required by the New York State Education Department (NYSED), all teachers and principals are required to be evaluated each year through a process known as an Annual Professional Performance Review or APPR.  Each district must submit their plan for review and approval by NYSED. PRSD APPR Plan

Employment Opportunites